
On-Grid Solar Panel – Everything You Need to Know

On-Grid Solar Panel – Everything You Need to Know 

“Save Electricity Save Life” we come across this phrase on and on. But do you know what it means? Probably, your answer would be yes or no.

The on-grid solar panel is adding a  true meaning to this campaign. Let us understand how!

Electricity is a form of energy that comes from renewable and non-renewable resources. Renewable resources include solar, water, wind, geothermal, and biomass, whereas non-renewable resources include Oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear energy.

Most of the world’s electricity is generated through non-renewable resources, which are present in limited quantities. The main cause of serious illness in people, use of non-renewable resources is also creating a threat to the environment by increasing air pollution.

On the other side, renewable resources are well-known for generating clean energy and are available in abundant quantities.

Being a weak producer of harmful greenhouse gasses, a renewable source of energy is a great help in mitigating air pollution. Highly used renewable resources consisted of on-grid solar rooftop systems and wind turbines.

Living on solar panels only is becoming the new motto of life for many.

Through this blog, you will understand everything you should know about solar panels.

What is to be covered:

What Is On-Grid Solar Panel System?

The world is changing at a higher pace so are solar panels too. Today we divide solar panels into three categories: On-grid solar panels, off-grid solar panels and hybrid systems.

The On-grid solar panel system is an energy generation system that directly connects the solar system to the Utility Grid. The system traps energy from the sun and converts it into electrical energy to fulfill daily needs.

Being easy to install and effortless to understand, it is proving a gem for residential properties. Utility grid manages the excess and less energy production by the solar system. It further acts as power storage.

How Does an On-Grid Solar Panel Work?

Installing an on-grid solar rooftop system is a simple process. How solar panels work include step by step role of their components:

Solar panels > Solar Inverter > switchboard > meter >principal grid.

How On-Grid Solar System Works - Step by Step

So, everyday on-grid solar panels trap the sunlight and convert it into direct current. The utility grid transfers the direct current to the inverter that converts it into an alternating current(AC) of 240V.
Household appliances use this current for functioning. Apart from this, excess power remains stored at the utility grid that comes into use when solar panels do not generate power.

Most solar panel providers offer you credit for excess power in the final bill.

Solar energy from an On-grid system supports the idea of a stress-free life.

Advantages of On-Grid Solar Panels

Disadvantages of On-Grid Solar Panels

Choose Between On-Grid and Off-Grid Solar Panels

The On-grid solar panel system is the one that connects the solar panels to the network of the utility grid company.  Among two, On-grid solar systems gets preference as its utility grid company takes the responsibility if it does not perform well.

Also, the company gives you credit for excess power generated in the monthly bills(depending on the statutory regulations).

An on-grid solar panel saves the cost of the battery. It comes with a utility grid that acts as power storage that fulfils requirements during a power outage.

Everything that comes with an advantage has disadvantages too. The on-grid solar panel does not work on blackout days. So it is not a good option to choose in places with utility power cut issues.

Unlike On-Grid solar rooftop systems, Off-Grid systems use an extra battery for continuous power supply. It does not rely on the utility grid and stores excess energy in the batteries.

One can use that energy during the night or when there is no sun. You can choose an off-grid solar panel system depending on the energy requirement.

It is the best option for areas with power outage issues because it does not depend on an On-grid system.

Like On-grid, Off-grid systems have disadvantages too. Sunlight is the foremost need for both systems, and cloudy weather can affect the power supply. Also, the use of batteries significantly increases the initial installation cost for consumers.

So, either On-Grid or Off-Grid, both have benefits and drawbacks. Before choosing a solar panel, do not forget to consider all the factors.

A Summary of On-Grid Solar System
Off-Grid Solar System

The Life Expectancy of Solar Panel System

Most of the time, we come across a question: what is the life expectancy of a solar panel system? You may be one of them!

Researchers conclude that solar panels last for approximately 30 years. 

However, an efficiency reduction of 20 per cent was noticed throughout the life of photovoltaic panels(PV). The percent can be less during the early years of solar panels but increase with time. It is reliable data approved by various producers.

Solar panels users data shows that PV panels performance reduces by 5 to 7%  in 25 years. So, one can conclude that solar panels last for more than 30 years in reality with a slight decrease in their efficiency

Regulations on Solar Panel System Disposal

As per statutory regulations, there is no separate law for PV panel waste except at EU level. As per EU-level,  PV panels waste comes in electronic waste under Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) instruction.

The European Union (EU) is a union of 27 European nations on economic and political terms.

It was initially established in 1958 to strengthen economic relations among six nations: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands.

Solar panels manufacturers must fulfill all the statutory requirements and comply with recycling standards. That is to ensure that PV panels waste management does not harm the environment.

Continuous efforts are taking place for the efficient management of PV waste.

Most Photovoltaic panel manufacturers ask for support from the government for harmless solar waste management.

Government policies to  support in recycle, reuse, regeneration of Solar panel

As per a column in Times of India(TOI), India is one of the growing manufacturers of Photovoltaic solar power. 

The government has taken a target to generate 350 GW of solar power and achieved 10 per cent in June 2020. With a life expectancy of 30 years, India has an estimated three lakhs tons of PV waste by 2030 and 70 lakhs tons by 2050.

Presently, there is no separate law for the effective disposal of solar waste. It must be on the top list to avoid toxic landfilling.

Studies say that a not-for-profit organization can find a cost-effective solution for recycling solar panels components.

Also, companies can produce as many as possible solar panels using materials from old solar panels. It will reduce the emission of harmful CO2.


Renewable resources are way friendly for the environment compared to non-renewable resources. Both the resources have their pros and cons. Renewable sources are available in abundance.

For example, solar panels are easy to install, save energy, but face challenges of high cost in the disposal.

On the other side, non-renewable sources are available in limited quantities, but they are cheaper than renewable resources.

For example, coal is cheap compared to solar panels. Consider these facts before moving forward to adopting on-grid or off-grid solar panels.


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